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Ihr Warenkorb
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Payments may be made using the following methods:
American Express
Your security is important for us.
Dr. Schar USA, Inc. does not know or store any credit card or PayPal account
Payments with your PayPal account are directly handled by
All credit card payments will be
processed encrypted in a highly secure host environment via our payment service
provider Adyen.
Adyen is fully PCI
DSS 3.2 compliant as Level 1 Service Provider, which is the key security
standard within the payments industry. This means we comply with the highest
industry standards for data protection and network security. Adyen does not
store and does not share any personal or transaction data on third party systems
or any external sub processors other than fully owned affiliates of Adyen.
payments are debited when you place your order by clicking the "Confirm & buy" button.
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